ReFreSH.MobileSuit package



ReFreSH.MobileSuit.IIOHub module

class ReFreSH.MobileSuit.IIOHub.IIOHub[source]

Bases: ABC

An entity, which serves the input/output of a mobile suit.

AppendWriteLinePrefix(prefix: str | Iterable = '\t') None[source]

Append a str to Prefix, usually used to increase indentation


self: IOHub to write to prefix: the output tuple to append

abstract AppendWriteLinePrefixPrimary(prefix: Iterable) None[source]

Append a str to Prefix, usually used to increase indentation

abstract ClearWriteLinePrefix() None[source]

Clear the prefix before writing line.

abstract property ColorSetting: IColorSetting

Color settings for this IOServer. (default DefaultColorSetting)

CreateReadLinePrompt(prompt: str, defaultValue: str | None, customPromptColor: Color | None) Iterable[Iterable][source]
abstract property ErrorStream: TextIOBase

Error stream (default stderr)

abstract property FormatPrompt: Callable[[Iterable[PrintUnit]], Iterable[PrintUnit]]

Prompt server for the io server.

static GetLabel(otype: OutputType = OutputType.Default) str[source]

get label of given output type

abstract GetLinePrefix(otype: OutputType) List[Iterable][source]

Get the prefix before writing line.

abstract property Input: TextIOBase

Input stream (default stdin)

abstract property IsErrorRedirected: bool

Check if this IOServer’s error stream is redirected (NOT stderr)

abstract property IsInputRedirected: bool

Checks if this IOServer’s input stream is redirected (NOT stdin)

abstract property IsOutputRedirected: bool

Check if this IOServer’s output stream is redirected (NOT stdout)

abstract property Options: IOOptions

Disable Time marks which shows in Output-Redirected Environment.

abstract property Output: TextIOBase

Output stream (default stdout)

abstract Peek() <module 'pyasn1.type.char' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.20/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyasn1/type/'>[source]

Reads the next character from input stream without changing the state of the reader or the character source.


The next available character.

abstract Read() <module 'pyasn1.type.char' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.20/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyasn1/type/'>[source]

Reads the next character from input stream.


The next available character.

ReadLine(prompt: str = '', newLine: bool = False, customPromptColor: Color | None = None, defaultValue: str | None = None) str | None[source]

Reads a line from input stream, with prompt. Return something default if user input “”.


prompt: The prompt display(output to output stream) before user input. newLine: If the prompt will display in a single line customPromptColor: Optional. Prompt’s Color, ColorSetting.PromptColor as default. defaultValue: Default return value if user input “”


Content from input stream, None if EOF, if user input “”, return defaultValue

abstract ReadLinePrimary() str | None[source]

Reads a line from input stream, with prompt.


Content from input stream, None if EOF

abstract ReadToEnd() str[source]

Reads all characters from the current position to the end of the input stream and returns them as one string.


All characters from the current position to the end.

abstract ResetError() None[source]

Reset this IOServer’s error stream to stderr

abstract ResetInput() None[source]

Reset this IOServer’s input stream to stdin

abstract ResetOutput() None[source]

Reset this IOServer’s output stream to stdout

abstract SubtractWriteLinePrefix() None[source]

Subtract a str from Prefix, usually used to decrease indentation

Write(content: str | Iterable[Iterable], otype: OutputType = OutputType.Default, custom_color: ConsoleColor | Color | None = None) None[source]

Writes some content to output stream. With certain color in console.


content: Content to output. otype: Optional. Type of this content, this decides how will it be like. custom_color: Optional. Customized color in console

WriteLine(content: str | Iterable[Iterable] = '', otype: OutputType = OutputType.Default, custom_color: ConsoleColor | Color | None = None) None[source]

Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain color in console.


content: Content to output. otype: Optional. Type of this content, this decides how will it be like. custom_color: Optional. Customized color in console

abstract WritePrimary(content: Iterable) None[source]

Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain Input/Output color.

class ReFreSH.MobileSuit.IIOHub.IOOptions(value)[source]

Bases: Flag

Featured Options of IOHub

DisableLinePrefix = 4

Suggests no Line prefix should be output to the stream

DisablePrompt = 1

Suggests no prompt should be output to the stream

DisableTag = 2

Suggests no type/time tag should be output to the stream

NoFlag = 0

No feature applied.

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.OutputType module

class ReFreSH.MobileSuit.OutputType.OutputType(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Type of content that writes to the output stream.

Default = 0

Normal content.

Error = 2

Error content.

Info = 5

Normal information.

Ok = 3

All-Ok content.

Prompt = 1

Prompt content.

System = 6

Information provided by MobileSuit.

Title = 4

Title of a list.

Warning = 7

Warning content.

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.PrintUnit module

class ReFreSH.MobileSuit.PrintUnit.PrintUnit(Text: str, Foreground: Color | None = None, Background: Color | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

A basic unit of output print, contains foreground, background and text.

classmethod ConsoleColorArrCast(origin: Iterable) Iterable[source]

Convert ConsoleColor to Color

static ConsoleColorCast(origin: ConsoleColor | None) Color | None[source]

Convert ConsoleColor to Color

classmethod FromIterable(tp: Iterable)[source]
classmethod FromIterables(tp: Iterable[Iterable])[source]

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.RequestStatus module

class ReFreSH.MobileSuit.RequestStatus.RequestStatus(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

An enumeration.

CommandNotFound = -3

Cannot find the member in the object referring to.

CommandParsingFailure = -5

Failed to parse an argument of a command.

Faulted = -4

Error in the application

Handled = 4

Command is Running. Set by the FinalMiddleware.

Interrupt = -2

Cannot find the object referring to.

NoRequest = 1

No Request is input by the user.

NotHandled = 2

No Request is input by the user.

Ok = 0

Everything is OK

OnExit = -1

The Progress is Exiting

Running = 3

Command is Running. Set by the FinalMiddleware.

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.Suit module

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.Suit.CreateBuilder(args: List[str] | None = None) SuitHostBuilder[source]

Get a builder to create host

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.Suit.QuickStart(T, args: List[str] = [])[source]

Quick start a mobilesuit on specific client class with default settings.

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.Suit.QuickStart4BitPowerLine(T, args: List[str] = [])[source]

Quick start a mobilesuit on specific client class with 4bit IO and PowerLine

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.Suit.QuickStartPowerLine(T, args: List[str] = [])[source]

Quick start a mobilesuit on specific client class with PowerLine

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitConfig module

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitHost module

class ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitHost.SuitHost(services: ServiceProvider, middleware: List[ISuitMiddleware], cancellationTasks: TaskRecorder)[source]

Bases: object

A entity, which serves the shell functions of a mobile-suit program.

static CreateMiddlewareInvocation(m: ISuitMiddleware, nxt: Callable[[SuitContext], Awaitable]) Callable[[SuitContext], Awaitable][source]
async static EmptyMiddlewareInvocation(c: SuitContext)[source]
async HandleRequest(requestHandler: Callable[[SuitContext], Awaitable])[source]
async RunAsync()[source]

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitHostBuilder module

class ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitHostBuilder.ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Bases: ABC

Describes the work flow of mobile suit.

abstract UseAppShell() ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add AppShell middleware

abstract UseCustom(middlewareType: Type) ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add a custom middleware

abstract UseFinalize() ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add Finalize middleware

abstract UseHostShell() ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add HostShell middleware

abstract UseInput() ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add input middleware

abstract UsePrompt() ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add suit prompt middleware

class ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitHostBuilder.SuitHostBuilder(args: List[str] = [])[source]

Bases: object

Builder to build a MobileSuit host.

AddClient(client: SuitShell)[source]

Add a client shell to mobile suit

Build() SuitHost[source]

Build a SuitHost.

ConfigureIO(configure: Callable[[IIOHub], None])[source]

config IO

HasName(name: str) SuitHostBuilder[source]

Use given PromptGenerator for the Host

MapClass(T, name: str = '') SuitHostBuilder[source]

Use given PromptGenerator for the Host

MapInstance(instance, name: str = '') SuitHostBuilder[source]

Use given PromptGenerator for the Host

MapMethod(name: str, method: Callable) SuitHostBuilder[source]

Use given PromptGenerator for the Host

Use4BitColorIO() SuitHostBuilder[source]

Use 4-bit color IO for the Host

UseCommandServer(serverType: Type)[source]

Add a client shell to mobile suit

UsePowerLine() SuitHostBuilder[source]

Use PowerLine PromptGenerator for the Host

UsePureTextIO() SuitHostBuilder[source]

Use Plain text IO for the Host

class ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitHostBuilder.SuitWorkFlow[source]

Bases: ISuitWorkFlow

Build(serviceProvider) List[ISuitMiddleware][source]
UseAppShell() ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add AppShell middleware

UseCustom(middlewareType: Type) ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add a custom middleware

UseFinalize() ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add Finalize middleware

UseHostShell() ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add HostShell middleware

UseInput() ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add input middleware

UsePrompt() ISuitWorkFlow[source]

Add suit prompt middleware

Module contents

class ReFreSH.MobileSuit.IIOHub[source]

Bases: ABC

An entity, which serves the input/output of a mobile suit.

AppendWriteLinePrefix(prefix: str | Iterable = '\t') None[source]

Append a str to Prefix, usually used to increase indentation


self: IOHub to write to prefix: the output tuple to append

abstract AppendWriteLinePrefixPrimary(prefix: Iterable) None[source]

Append a str to Prefix, usually used to increase indentation

abstract ClearWriteLinePrefix() None[source]

Clear the prefix before writing line.

abstract property ColorSetting: IColorSetting

Color settings for this IOServer. (default DefaultColorSetting)

CreateReadLinePrompt(prompt: str, defaultValue: str | None, customPromptColor: Color | None) Iterable[Iterable][source]
abstract property ErrorStream: TextIOBase

Error stream (default stderr)

abstract property FormatPrompt: Callable[[Iterable[PrintUnit]], Iterable[PrintUnit]]

Prompt server for the io server.

static GetLabel(otype: OutputType = OutputType.Default) str[source]

get label of given output type

abstract GetLinePrefix(otype: OutputType) List[Iterable][source]

Get the prefix before writing line.

abstract property Input: TextIOBase

Input stream (default stdin)

abstract property IsErrorRedirected: bool

Check if this IOServer’s error stream is redirected (NOT stderr)

abstract property IsInputRedirected: bool

Checks if this IOServer’s input stream is redirected (NOT stdin)

abstract property IsOutputRedirected: bool

Check if this IOServer’s output stream is redirected (NOT stdout)

abstract property Options: IOOptions

Disable Time marks which shows in Output-Redirected Environment.

abstract property Output: TextIOBase

Output stream (default stdout)

abstract Peek() <module 'pyasn1.type.char' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.20/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyasn1/type/'>[source]

Reads the next character from input stream without changing the state of the reader or the character source.


The next available character.

abstract Read() <module 'pyasn1.type.char' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.20/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyasn1/type/'>[source]

Reads the next character from input stream.


The next available character.

ReadLine(prompt: str = '', newLine: bool = False, customPromptColor: Color | None = None, defaultValue: str | None = None) str | None[source]

Reads a line from input stream, with prompt. Return something default if user input “”.


prompt: The prompt display(output to output stream) before user input. newLine: If the prompt will display in a single line customPromptColor: Optional. Prompt’s Color, ColorSetting.PromptColor as default. defaultValue: Default return value if user input “”


Content from input stream, None if EOF, if user input “”, return defaultValue

abstract ReadLinePrimary() str | None[source]

Reads a line from input stream, with prompt.


Content from input stream, None if EOF

abstract ReadToEnd() str[source]

Reads all characters from the current position to the end of the input stream and returns them as one string.


All characters from the current position to the end.

abstract ResetError() None[source]

Reset this IOServer’s error stream to stderr

abstract ResetInput() None[source]

Reset this IOServer’s input stream to stdin

abstract ResetOutput() None[source]

Reset this IOServer’s output stream to stdout

abstract SubtractWriteLinePrefix() None[source]

Subtract a str from Prefix, usually used to decrease indentation

Write(content: str | Iterable[Iterable], otype: OutputType = OutputType.Default, custom_color: ConsoleColor | Color | None = None) None[source]

Writes some content to output stream. With certain color in console.


content: Content to output. otype: Optional. Type of this content, this decides how will it be like. custom_color: Optional. Customized color in console

WriteLine(content: str | Iterable[Iterable] = '', otype: OutputType = OutputType.Default, custom_color: ConsoleColor | Color | None = None) None[source]

Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain color in console.


content: Content to output. otype: Optional. Type of this content, this decides how will it be like. custom_color: Optional. Customized color in console

abstract WritePrimary(content: Iterable) None[source]

Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain Input/Output color.

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitAlias(alias: str)[source]

Alias for a SuitObject’s member


alias – Alias for a SuitObject’s member

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitArgInjected(arg_name: str)[source]

Indicate that Mobile Suit should Inject to this argument.


arg_name – The name of the argument to inject.

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitArgParser(arg_name: str, parser_name: str = '', TTarget=None, TConverter=None)[source]

Select the parser used for the certain argument


Represents that this member should be ignored by Mobile Suit.

ReFreSH.MobileSuit.SuitInfo(expr: str, resObj=None)[source]

Stores the information of a member to be displayed.

  • resObj – Resource class

  • expr – The information.