from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Flag, auto
from io import TextIOBase
from typing import Callable, Union, Iterable, Optional, List
from colour import Color
from pyasn1.type import char
from ..ConsoleColor import ConsoleColor
from .Core.ColorSetting import IColorSetting
from .Core.Services.PromptFormatter import PromptFormatter
from .OutputType import OutputType
from .PrintUnit import PrintUnit
IIOHubConfigurator = Callable[['IIOHub'], None]
class IOOptions(Flag):
"""Featured Options of IOHub"""
NoFlag = 0
"""No feature applied."""
DisablePrompt = auto()
"""Suggests no prompt should be output to the stream"""
DisableTag = auto()
"""Suggests no type/time tag should be output to the stream"""
DisableLinePrefix = auto()
"""Suggests no Line prefix should be output to the stream"""
class IIOHub(ABC):
"""An entity, which serves the input/output of a mobile suit."""
def Options(self) -> IOOptions:
"""Disable Time marks which shows in Output-Redirected Environment."""
raise NotImplementedError
def Options(self, value: IOOptions) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def IsErrorRedirected(self) -> bool:
"""Check if this IOServer's error stream is redirected (NOT stderr)"""
raise NotImplementedError
def IsOutputRedirected(self) -> bool:
"""Check if this IOServer's output stream is redirected (NOT stdout)"""
raise NotImplementedError
def ErrorStream(self) -> TextIOBase:
"""Error stream (default stderr)"""
raise NotImplementedError
def ErrorStream(self, value: TextIOBase) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def Output(self) -> TextIOBase:
"""Output stream (default stdout)"""
raise NotImplementedError
def Output(self, value: TextIOBase) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def ColorSetting(self) -> IColorSetting:
"""Color settings for this IOServer. (default DefaultColorSetting)"""
raise NotImplementedError
def ColorSetting(self, value: IColorSetting) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def Input(self) -> TextIOBase:
"""Input stream (default stdin)"""
raise NotImplementedError
def Input(self, value: TextIOBase) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def IsInputRedirected(self) -> bool:
"""Checks if this IOServer's input stream is redirected (NOT stdin)"""
raise NotImplementedError
def FormatPrompt(self) -> PromptFormatter:
"""Prompt server for the io server."""
raise NotImplementedError
def GetLabel(otype: OutputType = OutputType.Default) -> str:
"""get label of given output type"""
return {
OutputType.Default: "",
OutputType.Prompt: "[Prompt]",
OutputType.Error: "[Error]",
OutputType.Ok: "[AllOk]",
OutputType.Title: "[List]",
OutputType.Info: "[Info]",
OutputType.System: "[System]"
}.get(otype, "")
def ResetError(self) -> None:
"""Reset this IOServer's error stream to stderr"""
raise NotImplementedError
def ResetOutput(self) -> None:
"""Reset this IOServer's output stream to stdout"""
raise NotImplementedError
def AppendWriteLinePrefixPrimary(self, prefix: Iterable) -> None:
"""Append a str to Prefix, usually used to increase indentation"""
raise NotImplementedError
def SubtractWriteLinePrefix(self) -> None:
"""Subtract a str from Prefix, usually used to decrease indentation"""
raise NotImplementedError
def ClearWriteLinePrefix(self) -> None:
"""Clear the prefix before writing line."""
raise NotImplementedError
def WritePrimary(self, content: Iterable) -> None:
"""Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain Input/Output color."""
raise NotImplementedError
def GetLinePrefix(self, otype: OutputType) -> List[Iterable]:
"""Get the prefix before writing line."""
raise NotImplementedError
def ReadLinePrimary(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Reads a line from input stream, with prompt.
Content from input stream, None if EOF
raise NotImplementedError
def Peek(self) -> char:
"""Reads the next character from input stream without changing the state of the reader or the character source.
The next available character.
raise NotImplementedError
def Read(self) -> char:
"""Reads the next character from input stream.
The next available character.
raise NotImplementedError
def ReadToEnd(self) -> str:
"""Reads all characters from the current position to the end of the input stream and returns them as one string.
All characters from the current position to the end.
raise NotImplementedError
def AppendWriteLinePrefix(self, prefix: Union[str, Iterable] = "\t") -> None:
"""Append a str to Prefix, usually used to increase indentation
self: IOHub to write to
prefix: the output tuple to append
if isinstance(prefix, str):
prefix = (prefix, None, None)
def Write(self, content: Union[str, Iterable[Iterable]], otype: OutputType = OutputType.Default,
custom_color: Optional[Union[ConsoleColor, Color]] = None) -> None:
"""Writes some content to output stream. With certain color in console.
content: Content to output.
otype: Optional. Type of this content, this decides how will it be like.
custom_color: Optional. Customized color in console
content = self._StrToPrintUnit(content, custom_color, otype)
content = PrintUnit.FromIterables(content)
if otype == OutputType.Prompt:
if self.IsOutputRedirected:
content = self.FormatPrompt(content)
for unit in content:
def _StrToPrintUnit(self, content, custom_color, otype):
if isinstance(content, str):
if isinstance(custom_color, ConsoleColor):
custom_color = PrintUnit.ConsoleColorCast(custom_color)
sel_color = IColorSetting.SelectColor(
self.ColorSetting, otype, custom_color)
if otype == OutputType.Prompt:
if not self.IsOutputRedirected:
content = self.FormatPrompt(
[PrintUnit.FromIterable((content, sel_color))])
content = [(content, sel_color, None)]
return content
def WriteLine(self, content: Union[str, Iterable[Iterable]] = "", otype: OutputType = OutputType.Default,
custom_color: Optional[Union[ConsoleColor, Color]] = None) -> None:
"""Writes some content to output stream, with line break. With certain color in console.
content: Content to output.
otype: Optional. Type of this content, this decides how will it be like.
custom_color: Optional. Customized color in console
content = self._StrToPrintUnit(content, custom_color, otype)
self.Write(self.GetLinePrefix(otype) + content + [("\n", None)], otype)
def ReadLine(self, prompt: str = '', newLine: bool = False, customPromptColor: Optional[Color] = None,
defaultValue: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
"""Reads a line from input stream, with prompt. Return something default if user input "".
prompt: The prompt display(output to output stream) before user input.
newLine: If the prompt will display in a single line
customPromptColor: Optional. Prompt's Color, ColorSetting.PromptColor as default.
defaultValue: Default return value if user input ""
Content from input stream, None if EOF, if user input "", return defaultValue
if len(prompt) > 0:
self.Write(self.CreateReadLinePrompt(prompt, defaultValue, customPromptColor), OutputType.Prompt)
if newLine:
r = self.ReadLinePrimary()
if r is None:
return None
stringBuilder = r
while len(stringBuilder) > 1 and stringBuilder[-2:] == ' %':
stringBuilder = stringBuilder[:-2]
r = self.ReadLinePrimary()
if r is None:
stringBuilder += r
return defaultValue if len(stringBuilder) == 0 else stringBuilder
def CreateReadLinePrompt(self, prompt: str, defaultValue: Optional[str], customPromptColor: Optional[Color]) -> \
printUnit0 = (
prompt, customPromptColor or self.ColorSetting.PromptColor)
return [printUnit0] if defaultValue is None else [printUnit0, (defaultValue, self.ColorSetting.SystemColor)]