Source code for ReFreSH.MobileSuit.Core.SuitParser

from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Optional, Callable, get_args, Type

T = TypeVar('T')

[docs] class SuitParser(Generic[T]): """ A data parser of MobileSuit""" def __init__(self, name: str, parser: Callable[[str], Optional[T]]): self.Name = name """Name of the Parser""" self.Parser = parser """The parser which convert string argument to certain type.""" def __call__(self, x: str) -> object: return self.Parser(x) @property def TargetType(self) -> Type: return get_args(self.__orig_class__)[0]
[docs] @classmethod def FromConverter(cls, _T, converter: Callable[[str], Optional[T]], name=''): """ Create a mobile suit parser from a converter :param _T: :param converter: The converter method :param name: Name of the parser, if set empty, the parser will be default. """ return cls[_T](name, converter)
[docs] @classmethod def FromName(cls, _T, name): """ Create a mobile suit parser from a func and given type :type _T: The type of target :param name: Name of the parser, if set empty, the parser will be default. """ if hasattr(_T, 'Parse'): return cls[_T](name, _T.Parse) return cls[_T](name, lambda x: _T(x))