Source code for ReFreSH.MobileSuit.Core.SuitMethodParameterInfo
from enum import IntEnum
class TailParameterType(IntEnum):
Represents type of the last parameter of a method
Normal = 0
Last parameter exists, and is quite normal.
Array = 1
Last parameter is an array.
# TODO: DynamicParameter support
# DynamicParameter = 2
# """
# Last parameter implements IDynamicParameter.
# """
NoParameter = -1
Last parameter does not exist.
class SuitMethodParameterInfo(object):
Parameter information of a method in MobileSuit
def __init__(self):
self.TailParameterType: TailParameterType = TailParameterType.NoParameter
Type of the last parameter
self.MinParameterCount: int = 0
Number of the parameters which can be passed at most.
self.NonArrayParameterCount: int = 0
Number of the parameters which are neither array nor DynamicParameter
self.MaxParameterCount: int = 0
Number of the parameters which can be passed at least.