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Create CommandLine Application


This is documentation written for old MobileSuit(v2.x,v1.x), so this may not work in the new versions.

Normally, CommandLine Application should accept a string[] args parameter, and return an int.

We assume that you have already read Get Started.

Add a client class

Add a Class to your project, named CliClient . It inherits class HitRefresh.MobileSuit.ObjectModel.CommandLineApplication .

Then, override int SuitStartUp(string[] args). This method will be called when args.Length>0 && args as a command cannot be resolved by MobileSuit.

Add members and attributes

Do just like with QuickStartClient.

Modify main method of your application

In the main method

public static int Main(String[] args){

add the following code at the last line:

return Suit.GetBuilder().Build<QuickStartClient>().Run(args);

Check your code for QuickStartClient.cs

It may looks like:

using HitRefresh.MobileSuit;

namespace HitRefresh.MobileSuitDemo
    public class CliClient : MobileSuit.ObjectModel.CommandLineApplication
        [SuitInfo("hello command.")]
        public void Hello()
            IO.WriteLine("Hello! MobileSuit!");

        public string Bye(string name)
            IO.WriteLine($"Bye! {name}");
            return "bye";
        public override int SuitStartUp(string[] args)
            return 0;

Run and test your Application

Build your application. Run it with terminal, with shell commands like:

demo hello
demo foo
demo bye bar

See what happens!