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Use MobileSuitScript Files

This feature only works on JMobileSuit 0.1.2 or later version

Pack-up your commands into a script file can make workflow automatically.

In this part, you need no Java codes to write. In stead, you should write a script file contains commands of your application.

Create Script File

Create a text file. Filename dosen't matter, but we recommend you to make the extension ".mss" stands for MobileSuitScript.

Fill the file with commands of your application. For JMobileSuit or later version, you can add comment lines starting with '#', which will not be parsed by JMobileSuit.

The commands in the file may be invalid or not in the application (Object/Member not found), however, when JMobileSuit executed to the line which contains a command that execution result is not AllOk, the JMobileSuit will stop and notify the user, then the rest commands in the file WILL NOT be executed.

For example:

#Will not be executed
bye foo
#Stop at next line
#Will not be executed

Run Script file in Application

Use RunScript or Rs command to run the script file. The argument is path (absolute or relative) of the file.

A ScriptFile may include a RunScript or Rs command, so watch out Stack Overflow.