Table of Contents

Create Complex Commands

These features only works on JMobileSuit or later version

Code example is at the end of this part.

Parsable-type Parameters

This feature only works on JMobileSuit 0.1.6 or later version

MobileSuit's parameter type can be anything you like, in case there is a parser; JMobileSuit support this function, now.

Create or Select a parser

A parser is a method that takes a String as input, then output a object; For example: Integer::parseInt, Long::parseLong, and so on. Parsers must be public static modified.

Create a command with Parsable-type parameter

Add a SuitParser annotation to the parameter, which can tell the parser's name and Container Class

For example:

    public void ShowNumber(
            @SuitParser(ParserClass = Integer.class, MethodName = "parseInt")
            int i

If the user inputs a illegal argument that can't be parsed, TraceBack will be InvalidCommand.

Array parameter

Create a command with only a array parameter

Add a method called GoodEvening to class Client . It has a String[] parameter. You may add a alias ' GE' for this method. The content of method can be anything you like.

Build and run your application.

In the console, you may input:

GoodEvening with 0, 1, 2 ... arguments, which will be seen as an array.

Create a command with a array parameter and other parameters

Add a method called GoodEvening2 to class Client . It has a String[] parameter, and a String parameter. The parameter with String[] type MUST BE the last parameter of the method. You may add a alias ' GE2' for this method. The content of method can be anything you like.

Build and run your application.

In the console, you may input:

GoodEvening2 with 1, 2 ... arguments, first will be mapped to the String parameter, else will be seen as an array and mapped to the String[] one.

The most important thing when you're using this type of command is that The parameter with String[] type **MUST BE ** the last parameter of the method. If not, JMobileSuit will not parse you command correctly.

Array parameter for Parsable-types

This feature only works on JMobileSuit 0.1.6 or later version

The array can not only be String[], but also other types. You just need to add a SuitParser Annotation before the array parameter.

For example:

    public void ShowNumber(
            @SuitParser(ParserClass = Integer.class, MethodName = "parseInt")
            int i,
            @SuitParser(ParserClass = Integer.class, MethodName = "parseInt")
            int[] j

Attention! The parser parsed String to something, NOT String[] to something!

Dynamic Parameter

Create a class implements DynamicParameter

Add a class to class Client, called GoodMorningParameter, it implements ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.ObjectModel.Interfaces.DynamicParameter interface. The class should be public static:

    public static class GoodMorningParameter implements DynamicParameter{

         * Parse this Parameter from String[].
         * @param options String[] to parse from.
         * @return Whether the parsing is successful
        public Boolean Parse(String[] options)


Add some Contents to GoodMorningParameter , fill the Parse(String[] options). The method should return true, if parsing is successful, otherwise, it should return false.

For example:

    public static class GoodMorningParameter implements DynamicParameter{
        public String name="foo";

         * Parse this Parameter from String[].
         * @param options String[] to parse from.
         * @return Whether the parsing is successful
        public Boolean Parse(String[] options)
                return true;
            }else return options.length==0;


Create a command with only a DynamicParameter

Add a method called GoodMorning to class Client . It has a GoodMorningParameter parameter. You may add a alias 'GM' for this method. The content of method can be anything you like.

Build and run your application.

In the console, you may input:

GoodMorning with 0, 1, 2 ... arguments, which will be seen as an array, then parsed by GoodMorningParameter::Parse.

Create a command with a DynamicParameter and other parameters

Add a method called GoodMorning2 to class Client . It has a GoodMorningParameter parameter, and a String parameter. The parameter with GoodMorningParameter type MUST BE the last parameter of the method. You may add a alias 'GE2' for this method. The content of method can be anything you like.

Build and run your application.

In the console, you may input:

GoodMorning2 with 1, 2 ... arguments, first will be mapped to the String parameter, else will be seen as an array and parsed to the GoodMorningParameter one.

The most important thing when you're using this type of command is that The parameter with ? extends DynamicParameter type MUST BE the last parameter of the method. If not, JMobileSuit will not parse you command correctly.

Auto DynamicParameter Class

This feature only works on JMobileSuit 0.1.6 or later version

Now, you no more needs to write a DynamicParameter::Parse yourself.

You just need to make the class extend AutoDynamicParameter, add some Fields and add Annotation for the fields.

There are 4 Annotations can be added to fields:

  1. Option means this is a option, that will be parsed by "-xxx value". If you want to parse "-xxx value_part1 value_part2", specific the Length of option like: @Option(value="xxx",length=2); The input of parser will be " value_part1 value_part2"
  2. Switch means this is a switch, This field must be boolean,that will be parsed by "-sw". If "-sw" exists, this field is true; if not, The field's value WILL NOT BE CHANGED, but not be parsed as false. A field can only be one of Switch and Option.
  3. WithDefault means this field has a default value, so it don't have to be parsed. Switch field don't need this annotation.
  4. SuitParser if a Option field's type is not String, use this annotation to specific the parser.

If a field has none of Switch or Option, it will not be parsed.

If some Option fields without WithDefault is not parsed, the parsing is failed.

For Example:

    public static class SleepArgument extends AutoDynamicParameter{
        public String Name;

        @SuitParser(ParserClass = Integer.class, MethodName = "parseInt")
        public int SleepTime=0;
        public boolean isSleeping;

Code example

After this part, your may looks like:

package ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.Demo;

import ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.NeuesProjekt.PowerLineThemedPromptServer;
import ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.ObjectModel.Annotions.SuitAlias;
import ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.ObjectModel.Annotions.SuitInfo;
import ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.ObjectModel.DynamicParameter;
import ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.ObjectModel.Parsing.*;
import ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.ObjectModel.SuitClient;
import ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.SuitHost;

public class Client extends SuitClient
    @SuitInfo("hello command")
    public void Hello()

        IO().WriteLine("Hello! MobileSuit!");

    public String Bye(String name)
        IO().WriteLine("Bye!" + name);
        return "bye";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        new SuitHost(Client.class,
    public void GoodMorning(GoodMorningParameter arg){
        IO().WriteLine("Good morning,";

    public void GoodMorning2(String arg, GoodMorningParameter arg1){
        IO().WriteLine("Good morning, "+arg+" and "+;

    public void GoodEvening(String[] arg){

        IO().WriteLine("Good Evening, "+(arg.length>=1?arg[0]:""));

    public void ShowNumber(
            @SuitParser(ParserClass = Integer.class, MethodName = "parseInt")
            int i,
            @SuitParser(ParserClass = Integer.class, MethodName = "parseInt")
            int[] j

    public void GoodEvening2(String arg0,String[] arg){

        IO().WriteLine("Good Evening, "+arg0+(arg.length>=1?" and "+arg[0]:""));

    @SuitInfo("Sleep {-n name (, -t hours, -s)}")
    public void Sleep(SleepArgument argument){
            IO().WriteLine(argument.Name+" has been sleeping for "+ argument.SleepTime +" hour(s)." );
        }else {
            IO().WriteLine(argument.Name+" is not sleeping." );

    public static class SleepArgument extends AutoDynamicParameter{
        public String Name;

        @SuitParser(ParserClass = Integer.class, MethodName = "parseInt")
        public int SleepTime=0;
        public boolean isSleeping;

    public static class GoodMorningParameter implements DynamicParameter{
        public String name="foo";

         * Parse this Parameter from String[].
         * @param options String[] to parse from.
         * @return Whether the parsing is successful
        public boolean Parse(String[] options)
                return true;
            }else return options.length==0;
