Useful Features
Avoid some public member show in Mobile Suit
Always there are some public methods in your client class, but if you want some of them not to show in mobile suit, add ***@SuitIgnore*** annotions to them.
Multiline Input
Commands in mobile suit can be input in multiline, when the last character in the line is %
For Example:
Customized Prompt server and Powerline Themed Prompt Server
You may write your own Prompt Server class, which implements interface ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.IO.PromptServer. Also, they can just extend class ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.IO.CommonPromptServer.
Use the server to initialize a SuitConfiguration, then use the configuration to initialize a SuitHost.
A customized theme: Powerline is built in Package ReFreSH.JMobileSuit.
You may use it like:
new SuitHost(Client.class,
If garbled, Make sure you have installed and enabled Powerline Fonts for your Console.